The League of Extraordinary Librarians
LIBE 467 - Theme 3 Blog Post: Reference Materials Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. - Gerard Way, Musician/Comic Book Writer (1977-present) AKA “ You had me at superhero ” (Thind, 2018a). When I read a blog post by my classmate in LIBE 467 who likened teacher-librarians to superheroes (Classmate, 2018), I knew I wanted to complement their content with my own. It is fitting to format this post at the end of the course since in my "Introduce Yourself" message I mentioned my favourite superhero (“student star stickers” if you remember who - please comment in the comment section 🌟😁!) (Thind, 2018b). Superheroes play and played a significant role for me personally and professionally: Although I did well academically in school, I struggled in the social realm and superheroes saved me. I take my childhood experiences and teach to the ideology of student interest-based instruction while curating the curriculum (Thind, 2017)...